


Brief In, Brilliance Out

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Classroom Management For Art, Music, And Pe Teachers

Michael Linsin

Managing The Unexpected

Karl E. Weick

The Halo Effect

Philip M. Rosenzweig

Team of Teams

Stanley McChrystal, Chris Fussell, Tantum Collins, David Silverman

Coaching for Performance

John Whitmore




Patty McCord

The Making of a Manager

Julie Zhuo

Amazon Unbound

Brad Stone

The Facebook Effect

David Kirkpatrick

Rebel Ideas

Matthew Syed

The Infinite Game

Simon Sinek

No Filter

Sarah Frier

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?

Louis V. Gerstner Jr.

The Little Book That Builds Wealth

Pat Dorsey

Pour Your Heart Into It

Howard Schultz

Always Day One

Alex Kantrowitz

How the Mighty Fall

James C. Collins

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Peter F. Drucker

The Essential Drucker

Peter Drucker

What You Do Is Who You Are

Ben Horowitz

Start-Up Nation

Dan Senor

The Innovator's Solution

Clayton M. Christensen


Cass R. Sunstein, Reid Hastie

What It Takes

Stephen A. Schwarzman

Radical Candor

Kim Malone Scott

High Output Management

Andrew S. Grove

Turn the Ship Around!

L. David Marquet

Let My People Go Surfing

Yvon Chouinard

First, Break All the Rules

Marcus Buckingham

The Fifth Discipline

Peter M. Senge


Jack Welch

The Effective Executive

Peter F. Drucker

Measure What Matters

John Doerr

Zero to One

Peter Thiel,Blake Masters

Only The Paranoid Survive

Andrew S. Grove

The Lean Startup

Eric Ries

The Outsiders by William N. Thorndike Jr.

William N. Thorndike Jr.

Leaders Eat Last

Simon Sinek

The One Minute Manager

Kenneth H. Blanchard

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Brief In, Brilliance Out

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