


Brief In, Brilliance Out

Welcome to ListenBriefs, your premier destination for insightful audio book summaries. Delve into the core insights and distilled wisdom of diverse books, presented in a convenient audio format.


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The Redneck Manifesto

Jim Goad

Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges

Going Dark by Julia Ebner

Julia Ebner

Once Upon a Time We Ate Animals

Roanne van Voorst

Can't Even

Anne Helen Petersen

City of Refugees

Susan Hartman

Counter Culture by David Platt

David Platt

All We Can Save

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

Not Cool The Hipster Elite And Their War On You

Greg Gutfeld

Plan B

Anne Lamott

Young Radicals

Jeremy McCarter

Dancing On Our Turtle's Back

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

The Persuaders

Anand Giridharadas

Oak Flat

Lauren Redniss

The Book Itch

Vaunda Micheaux Nelson


Judy Singer

Introducing Liberation Theology

Leonardo Boff

Artificial Hells

Claire Bishop

Farmer Will Allen And The Growing Table

Jacqueline Briggs-Martin

The Coddling of the American Mind

Greg Lukianoff, Jonathan Haidt


Michael Pollan

Excellent Sheep

William Deresiewicz


Mark Kurlansky

The Disappearance of Childhood

Neil Postman

Free to choose

Milton Friedman, Rose Friedman

The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Jane Jacobs


Kwame Nkrumah

The College Scam

Charlie Kirk

50 Essays

Samuel Cohen

Triumph of the City

Edward L. Glaeser

AI Assistants

Roberto Pieraccini

Our Kids

Robert D. Putnam

Crazy Like Us

Ethan Watters

Beneath the Surface

John Hargrove, Howard Chua-Eoan

The Zero Marginal Cost Society

Jeremy Rifkin

Digital Gold

Nathaniel Popper

The Attention Merchants

Tim Wu

Bowling Alone

Robert D. Putnam

Last Child in the Woods

Richard Louv

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty

Albert O. Hirschman

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Brief In, Brilliance Out

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