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Author: Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace

Narrator: Ryan

Format: MP3

IBSN: 9780812993011

Language: English

Publish Date: 01/09/2014

Audiobook length: 31 min


Chapter 1Overview
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Chapter 2Starting out
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Chapter 3Protecting innovation
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Chapter 4Building and Sustaining
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Chapter 5Summary& Review
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Why listen to Creativity, Inc.

Listening to the summary audiobook of "Creativity, Inc." by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace is a valuable opportunity to gain insights into fostering creativity and innovation within teams and organizations. The book, rooted in Catmull's experiences as co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios, delves into the principles that cultivate a thriving creative culture, emphasizing the importance of trust, collaboration, and the willingness to embrace failure. A summary audiobook distills these essential lessons, making it easy to absorb transformative ideas that can inspire both personal and professional growth, regardless of your field.

Author : Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace

The book is co-authored by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace. Catmull is a five-time Academy Award winner and the co-founder and president of Pixar Animation. Steve Jobs once described Catmull as highly intelligent, thoughtful, and soothing. Wallace is a journalist and columnist for the The New York Times. She also writes for The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, and served a long stint as editor-at-large at Los Angeles Magazine.

Key Insights from Creativity, Inc.

  • Creativity thrives in an environment that encourages the free flow of ideas and promotes open communication. Ed Catmull emphasizes the importance of trust and collaboration among team members to foster innovative thinking at Pixar.
  • Leadership is about creating a culture that nurtures creativity, rather than merely managing people. Catmull illustrates how empowering individuals leads to unexpected and successful outcomes in the creative process.
  • Failure is an inevitable part of the creative journey, and embracing it can lead to greater success. Catmull argues that instead of fearing failure, organizations should learn from it and iterate, turning setbacks into opportunities for growth.

Brief In, Brilliance Out

Contact: buildlearn.bk@gmail.com