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Author: Nir Eyal, Ryan Hoover

Narrator: Ryan

Format: MP3

IBSN: 9781591847786

Language: English

Publish Date: 25/12/2013

Audiobook length: 31 min


Chapter 1Overview
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Chapter 2What are the benefits of forming user’s habits for companies?
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Chapter 3What is the “Hook Model”?
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Chapter 4How can we use the “Hook Model”?
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Chapter 5Summary & review
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Why listen to HOOKED

Listening to the summary audiobook of "HOOKED" by Nir Eyal and Ryan Hoover is essential for anyone interested in understanding how successful products are designed to capture and retain user attention. The authors explore the psychology behind habit-forming technology, providing actionable insights that can enhance your product development strategies and marketing efforts. By distilling key concepts and frameworks, the audiobook enables listeners to quickly grasp the principles of user engagement, making it a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, marketers, and designers looking to create compelling, user-centered experiences.

Author : Nir Eyal, Ryan Hoover

The book Hooked was written by a famous American behavioral design expert, Nir Eyal, and a well-known copywriter, Ryan Hoover. Eyal used to teach at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Hoover has been writing for commercial media such as Forbes and Fast Company for a long time. Before writing this book, they observed and evaluated a large number of Internet products. After repeated practice and adjustments, they finally came up with the “Hook Model”, which later became sought after by many top Internet companies.

Key Insights from HOOKED

  • The Hook Model is a four-phase process involving trigger, action, variable reward, and investment, which encourages habitual usage of products. Understanding this model helps creators build products that not only capture attention but also become integral to users' lives.
  • External triggers, such as notifications or ads, prompt users to take action, while internal triggers stem from emotions or routines. Successful products effectively link these triggers to user behaviors, fostering a cycle of engagement.
  • Variable rewards create a sense of excitement and uncertainty in users, which can enhance their motivation to engage with a product. By combining these rewards with user investment, companies can stimulate ongoing interactions and deepen customer loyalty.

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Contact: buildlearn.bk@gmail.com